Creatures Community Chat

Monday, July 25, 2011

Creatures 1: Selective Breeding

Admittedly I've been a little distracted by my new blog for a couple of days, but news this exciting couldn't keep me away from here too long.

I've reached my minimum number of eggs for generation 1! Here they all are.

I was lucky enough to grab a snap shot of the final pregnancy. The final victory belongs to Trista and Heartly.

And just to add some icing on the cake, there's still more Gen2 Norns to come. Here is Tabby with another new egg.

Hardly the greatest photo I ever took, but none the less. Unfortunately I left Tabby and her egg alone a little too long and the egg hatched naturally, hence why it's not pictured in the previous picture. I exported the child immediately, but I can tell you it's a male and he's dreadfully cute!

I've temporarily exported all the adult Norns and I intend to bring them back in one at a time to help take care of their needs. Beyond that I think I'll leave them to their own devices, although this time I intend to play an active roll in keeping their health levels up rather than letting them run wild. Hopefully I'll end up with additional eggs for my extra work!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Another new blog

So I'm at it again, voicing my opinion and selling my charm. I've started up yet another blog (that's 3 now, how am I going to keep up with all this!?) and I'm looking for an audience.

I really need to emphasise this blog is not going to be for everyone, and honestly I won't be surprised if the people that read this blog get nothing from my new one.

I have a strong interest in religions, faiths, education and critical thinking. I've been contemplating starting up a blog to express my views for a while now and with some conversations I've had recently I've decided to finally get into it.

Now, I'm an atheist and I understand that can upset some people. I'm also a strong atheist, which means I not only don't believe, I actively disbelieve and I've got some pretty strong opinions about it. I also have some strong opinions about many other topics that tend to offend people, and this new blog is where I intend to house those discussions.

As an example and admittedly somewhat of a deterent to weed out those who are easily offended, I've made my first post on this new blog about swearing. Yes, I do use the 7 dirty words. If this kind of thing gets under your skin I strongly advise you to avoid this new blog.

If however you don't mind having your brain mooshed around a bit, you like philosophy and theological discussions, don't mind swearing and enjoy having your opinions critiqued then please hop on over and leave a post or two.

And remember, ignorance is not bliss. Remain inquisitive.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Creatures 1: Sickness!

Wow, just had a really scary hour or so. Usually I try to pad my posts out a little (often too much) and put up a post once a week or so.

With the time I've just had though I wanted to throw up a post right away while it was all still fresh.

After Pollen's case of the sniffles I thought I would be okay for a while and I could work on getting those last few eggs I wanted. Although I'm now up to 11 eggs(!!) it wasn't without it's struggles. Here is one of the last happy picture for a while. Pollen's egg is the latest to our batch and the second last one I'm going to need.

First it was Tony. He and Tabby were enjoying a lovely get away on the island and I was very hopeful for another egg. Here they are all cuddled up with each other. Dreafully cute.

Although they seemed to be getting close, before the final pop was kissed I noticed Tony starting to cough. His health bar shot downwards and I quickly moved him away from Tabby via the submarine.

I was very glad I did as his health dropped below 30% even faster than Pollen's had done with the antigen7 bug. Quickly throwing open the science kit I discovered it was an antigen0 bug. Apparently this is a particularly nasty one as the antibody0 that cures it rises excruciatingly slow. Before Tony's antibody was halfway towards curing him, Pollen decided she wanted to join the party.

I very quickly seperated them but I was far too slow. No sooner had I pushed the lift button to drag Tony up to the second level of the Grendel tree did I noticed Pollen start spluttering. Instead of laying down to rest she decided she wanted to run off after the other Norns, perhaps not realising yet how serious her illness was.

She only managed a single cough into Trista face but it was enough. Instantly Trista being coughing too. I managed to get Trista to the lower level beneath the piano and Pollen to the height of the Grendel tree where I started caring for all three Norns.

Naturally these three are the worst eaters in all of Albia, and with them coughing so freqently it was almost impossible to get food into them. Somewhat fortunately the disease came with a heafty dose of sleep toxin and they spent a lot of time dozing, allowing me the time to treat the other two Norns.

The antibody0 took ages to rise in their systems. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to hasten a Norn through their illness. It appears it needs to run it's course and the only thing you can do is make sure they're well fed and rested. I've gone through quite a few lemons and oranges in the last half hour. It wouldn't surprise me if the oranges saved their lives, as all the Norns dropped to around 25% at some stage.

Eventually after a lot of running back and forth trying to force extra food down throats the Norns began to recover. First Tony, then much later Pollen and shortly after her Trista all peaked their antibody0 levels and the antigen0 began to decrease. I continued to give them the little extra care they needed but with the worst of it over they began to start looking after themselves again.

Aside from not losing any Norns with this disease, there is one plus side that seems to have occured. All three Norns seem to be better sleepers. As with most Norn learning curves, practice helps and often times Norns don't get a lot of practice sleeping. It would likely make the game somewhat dull if they did. But with the sleep toxin in their systems they spent a good deal of time practising throwing 'ZZZZZs' into the air and they seem to be a little better off for it. I guess time will tell if this is still just their getting over the sickness or if it's a permanent learning.

11 eggs down! Who will get the last egg!? :O

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Creatures 1: Selective Breeding

Things have been going well in my Albia. As you can see in the image below Tabby has laid yet another egg and appears extremely pleased with herself. The egg is still maturing and so far Tabby hasn't left the garden. She appears to be a very vigilant mother.

The next image will tell you why I'm not sure who the father is. The Norns have been doing quite well for themselves so I thought I'd let them all run free for a bit. They seem to have enjoyed the experience and have spent the whole time chatting and grouping around the one ball in the garden. They're all starting to get a little hungry, tired and grumpy now, so I think I'll seperate them for a while and build up their stregth again.

I had a bit of a scare recently. Pollen, the female Purple Mountain Norn hadn't been eating for a while. As I was trying to get her to munch on some carrots she suddenly started sneezing. Fortunately all the other Norns were off playing beyond the garden at that point and quarantine wasn't an issue. I was quite worried about this, as I had all my Norns in the world at this point and if the virus has spread it could have been disasterous.

The illness was quite severe and Pollen's health dropped from around 76% down to 35% in a matter of minutes. I was genuinely worried I was going to lose her as I was struggling to find what the problem was and her health was dropping way too fast.

She had already been having issues eating and now every time she went to take a bite she'd be struck by a massive dose of sneezes which put her into the spinning animation that's quite common when in pain.

Ironically just as I found the culpret her antibodies kicked in and Pollen started to recover. She jumped back up to around 48% pretty quickly, and is now recovering more slowly. Fortunately it looks like the worst is over. Just need to keep her well fed now.

7 eggs down, 5 more to go! Which Norns will get to pass on their genes to the last few eggs. We're more than half way now!

EDIT: 7? What am I blathering about? Try 9!!! 3 More to go!

The Shee Chronicals

Been a while since my last update and I haven't really had time to play any Creatures. About to jump on shortly and play around a bit, but in the mean time, here's the next chunk of The Shee Chronicals. Enjoy ;)


“Why are you late?” boomed the Master of the genetic labs in his voice that sounded like thunder. I don’t even think he meant to be so loud; it just came out that way.
“I’m sorry Professor, but I was up on the hill that over looks all of Albia this morning and time just got away from us” I stammered.
“US?” he growled, “And who were you up there with, as if I need to ask?”
“Quten, sir” I mumbled.
“Sorry, I don’t think I quite caught that” he sneered, “Could you please repeat it just a fraction louder”.
“QUTEN SIR” I yelled giving a mocking salute.
“Sheelia, what have I told you about that boy” growled the Master.
I felt myself turn a darker shade of blue; the old grump could have at least talked to me away from all my classmates. “Not to get involved with anyone if it is going to get in the way of my studies” I recited from our last disagreement.
“Exactly” said the Professor, “And especially with the likes of his family”.
I couldn’t help myself. “There is nothing wrong with Quten’s family,” I hissed.
I heard several Shee sniggering in the back on the room. I paid them no attention.
“There certainly is a problem if he is making life difficult for you. Maybe you should let your head do your thinking for a change, instead of your heart”.
The professor may have been an old biased fool, but not even he could have missed the laughter that comment brought on. However he chose to ignore it.
“Now sit down and let’s get on with this lesson, I believe you’ve wasted enough of this classes time, wouldn’t you all agree”.
There were a few mumbles and grunts but it was impossible to tell if they were agreeing or disagreeing with the Professor. Fuming, I quickly took my seat before the Professor found another reason to yell at me.
“Now, as you all know the genetics labs science competition is coming up the next time both of the moons are in the sky and full. I expect all of you to have completed a project by then or not to show up. However being the generous Shee I am, I will give you today to be working on them.”
I couldn’t help but let a small smile cross my face. On the small chance I finished my project on time, no one would have a chance of beating me. Professor Camery was still speaking and I forced myself to listen.
“As you all know, this competition goes back for generations. It was at this competition several thousand years ago we discovered how powerful lightening was and how we could use it to our own needs. I shouldn’t need to tell you that just being invited to participate in it is a huge honor and not to be taken lightly. You will all need to perform to your best standard to even have a chance in this competition. Although I doubt anyone will be good enough to win just yet, I do hope we can at least get someone in the top ten or so. Now everyone get to work.”
Everyone started to move off to their separate areas. Some projects were being completed by two or three Shee. I was working on my own in a separate room. I didn’t want anyone to know what I was working on. Not until the science festival.
I picked up my notes and utensils and was leaving the room when one of my friends came running up to me.
“Sheelia, wait up” she called.
“Hi Rayee” I greeted.
“Old Whiskers seemed pretty peeved with you” Rayee stated. Old Whiskers was the student nickname for Professor Camery. He got the name for the way his hairs raised themselves whenever he was mad. Isn’t it strange how teachers who are either really nice or really cruel always seem to get nicknames?
“Tell me something I didn’t figure out,” I muttered. We started walking down the corridor to my workstation.
“There is one thing he’s right about though,” Rayee said.
“What?” I asked, not believing anything Whiskers didn’t get out of a book could be true.
“Quten does seem to get in the way of your work” she casually.
“He does not,” I said a little to severely, thinking it was Quten who had given me my idea for the science competition.
“Well, this isn’t the first time you’ve come in late” Rayee responded.
“So he likes the morning,” I said, “He always seems to want to do things in the morning and it just happens to be that lessons start in the morning to. He’s not getting in my way at all”.
“Well…” she said with a shrug, “I still don’t know what you see in him anyway”.
“Nor do I” I said in a voice that meant the subject was closed. Sensing this Rayee changed the conversation.
“So what are you doing for the comp?” she asked.
“Not telling,” I said sharply.
“Oh, come on” she said in her whining voice. Rayee was excellent at getting information out of people, so I was glad we had come to my workroom.
“No” I said firmly, “And this is where we part company”. I swiped my card in the box next to he door. I opened and closed the door behind me before she could get another word in.
Once in the lab I took the rest of my work out of my hoole in the wall. Like all of the hooles it had a door and a lock on it so no one could get into my secret project. Only my hand imprint could open it.
I removed an egg from the hoole along with more of my notes. Quickly making sure the door was locked I sat down and began to work. I had already completed the design for my project; it was just a matter of bringing it to life. Unfortunately I had searched through all the science books I could get my hands on and not one of them told me how. It was the hardest part of my assignment.
While I pondered over this there came a loud knock on the door. I quickly covered my experiment with a cloth and opened the door.
“Yes Professor Camery” I said as he walked in.
“Why do you have the door locked?” he grumbled.
“To make sure I’m not disturbed,” I said, “Obviously it doesn’t work”.
He gave me a look of pure venom but it quickly fell from his face. “What are you doing for the science competition?” he queried, casually glancing over at the desk with the cloth now on it.
“I’m keeping it a secret until the science festival” I said, “I want it to be a surprise,” I added before he started asking why I was keeping it a secret. If I hadn’t he probably would have called in security to dispose of me before I destroyed all of Albia.
“Sheelia” he sighed, “You’re becoming as secretive as Quten. I swear, I have nothing to do with the boy and yet he’s still causing me a world of trouble”.
Keeping my cool I simply said, “He may be a little different but there’s nothing wrong with him”.
“Maybe, but you have to admit he’s not going to amount to much without a proper education” said the Professor, almost with some pity. Unfortunately that just fueled my anger.
“Quten would be just as smart as any student here” I retorted.
“Really!” the Professor gave a false gasp. “Well then, maybe he could come in tomorrow and share some of his knowledge with us”.
Seizing the opportunity I said I would ask him if he would. Whiskers seemed taken aback. I don’t think he thought I would agree, but he quickly gained control again.
“Good, I’ll see him tomorrow then”.
“An excellent idea” I said sweetly, “Now Professor I would like to get on with my work if you don’t mind”.
“Very well” he said and quickly stalked out of the room.

Quten was waiting for me when the day ended. He always waited for me in the shadows of the Forbidden Forest that I passed on my way home. He didn’t go to any place of learning like the labs, and he didn’t have a job, but for the work he did on the farm. So I guess he didn’t have anything better to do other than to come see me.
Out of the whole of Albia, Quten was the only Shee who wasn’t afraid of the ancient forest. Among the younger Shee there was the rumor that the forest was haunted. Of course most didn’t believe the stories that some told about the forest, but just thought it too dangerous a place to venture into. I believed Quten had quite often gone into the forest and he had told several stories of beyond the light of day that was supposed to be cut off from the ancient place. But even Quten said that he dared not walk much further than just past the light.
The one time I had asked Quten to take me in there he had declined so sharply that I had never bothered to ask again.
“Stay out of the forest” he had hissed, “It’s secrets are not for the likes of the faint hearted”.
As I approached the edge of the forest Quten stepped out of the shadows. “Good evening fair lady” he said in his most humble voice, “May I have the honor of walking ye home?” he added with a low bow.
“You most certainly may”, I said with a giggle.
We continued to walk in silence along the small track just beside the ancient forest. I glanced into the darkness the trees created. The forest seemed blacker than usual, as if trying to hide something from us. The trees rustled in the slight wind and seemed to speak.
“Wouldn’t it be amazing if they could talk?” I asked Quten.
Following my gaze he responded, “They can you know”.
I looked up at him oddly, “Can they?”
“Not in the way you and I speak” he replied, “But they give off a feeling, but not in words and yet it is still some kind of speech”.
“I don’t expect you to understand, I don’t even understand it myself to be honest. But they tell of the years gone by, millennia of time, of before the first Shee opened his eyes and saw the world in the light. And their stories travel across boundless plains and time, and into the future”.
“What do they say about the future?” I asked with a laugh.
“It’s so dark” Quten said, looking into the depths of the forest. He shook his head, as if coming out of a trace.
“How was your day?” he asked suddenly. I was not at the least put off with the sudden change of topic. It wasn’t the first time. Besides I wanted to talk to him about coming in the next day.
“It was okay”, I said, not really knowing how to get on the topic of getting him to come into the labs.
But somehow Quten seemed to have read my mind, “Did old Whiskers give you a hard time this morning?” he asked gently.
“The usual serve” I said dryly.
“Some people can be a real pain”, he muttered.
“Tell me about it” I grumbled.
“What was he doing you in for this time?” Quten asked.
“About how my relationships shouldn’t get in the way of my work”, I replied.
“Sheelia, you know you really shouldn’t stick up for me if it’s going to get you in trouble”.
“But I want to!” I almost cried.
“I know you do, but I’m not worth it”, he said gently.
“You are so!” this time I did cry it, “I want to prove to everyone your just as smart and nice and sweet and, and, and… and your as good as any of them”, I said as I stuck out my chin.
Quten grabbed it and pulled his face close to mine. “I love it when you talk like that” he whispered, “You really make me feel better than I am”.
“But you are that good” I whispered back.
“Maybe” he said as he pulled away from me, “But they’ll never realize it”.
This was just what I was hoping for. “What if you could prove you’re just as good as they are!” I insisted, “Would you”.
He stopped walking for a minute and just stared at me. Eventually he said, “Why, what have you done?”
“I got Professor Camery to invite you in tomorrow”, I said with a smile.
He continued to stare at me. I hated it when he did this. It was as if he was looking inside me for the answers he wanted. For all I knew he probably was.
“Did you get hot headed and say something you shouldn’t again?” he questioned.
“NO!” I insisted. He continued to look at me in that questioning way.
“Well, maybe I got hot headed. But I said what I meant. What I wanted. Whatever. The point is your coming to the labs with me tomorrow”.
“OK. So what am I going to be doing all day?” he asked, still giving me that look.
“Well, um… you’re going to…to… I have no idea”, I finally admitted.
“Ah ha. So Whiskers has got me to come in to do something, but you don’t know what it is”.
“Well, yeah… I guess so” I replied.
“So for all we know, he could get me to give my life story. Tell everyone what school I go to. And I have to tell everyone I work on the farm and don’t go to a school because my parents are no hopers”.
“Quten…” I said softly.
“Well come on, lets not pretend. As sad as it is, and as much as no one will admit it, the truth of the matter is my life sucks. I have no present, and almost no future.”
“Quten, you do so have a life worth living”.
“Then what is it?” he asked bluntly.
“Well…um… you’re… you’re a nice guy” I tried pathetically.
“You see, I might be nice but I’ve got no life”.
I looked at him hopelessly, not wanting to make him feel bad, but not knowing how to make him feel worthy.
He pulled his gaze from mine and began walking again. “Quten, wait!” I cried.
I rushed to catch up with him. He could walk incredible fast when he wanted to. When I reached him I grabbed his shoulders and spun him round.
“OK, so maybe you don’t have much of a life now, but your smart and a survivor. You’ll end up being in charge of all Albia one day. I could bet on it”.
“Thanks” he said, “But I’m not into politics”. He sounded down, but I could tell he meant the “thanks”.
I reached down and took his hand in mine. “So will you come tomorrow, for me?” I pleaded.
“I hate it when you do that” he sighed, “I just cant resist”.
“So you’ll come?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there, who knows, he might even give me a job” he said with a sarcastic laugh.
I smiled and slipped my hand into his. We walked the rest of the way to my house, hand in hand, not saying anything. Just enjoying being with each other.
My house was one of the finest in all of Albia. It was two stories high with dark blue walls and the perfect light green shade to the windows. The lower story was like most Shee houses, built like a bubble for extra strength and endurance. But unlike most designs it had an extra bubble built on top. That was my room and looked out onto the Forbidden Forest.
“Well, this is the end of my walk” I said, pulling away from him.
“Oh, but you must let me be a gentleman and allow me the honor of walking you to the door” he said in the posh voice he had used earlier.
“OK” I said shyly, brushing the hair from my eye.
We didn’t speak again until we reached the door.
“Well, see you tomorrow” I said. I turned around and went to the door, thought twice about it, then turned back and kissed him on the lips. I smiled to myself; this was the only way to surprise Quten.
Finally I pulled away from him and turned back to the door. Before I could reach it his arm shot out between the door and me, blocking my way. He bent forward and placed his lips to mine.
When he pulled his face from me, he stayed close enough to me so that our noses were touching.
“I was wrong before” he whispered, “I do have a life”. He kissed me on the lips again, more gently this time. “It’s you”.
With that he turned back to the path leading up to my door and walked off.
I gazed after him, until he rounded a corner and I could no longer see him. Not once did he look back. It was just like him, dramatic.
Eventually I turned back to my house and walked to the door. Our door was one of the new organic doors. In fact, our whole house was partially organic. Meaning it had a life of its own. I mean, of course some of it was made from normal materials like minerals and steel, but most of it was alive and the door was one of the most obvious parts that was living.
I pressed my hand against the door and felt it come alive beneath me. A lot of Shee have been completely grossed out by this new invention. I guess they don’t like the idea of something squirming beneath their hands, but being a scientist I was used to it.
I felt the door slightly cover my hand, then it moved back again and the door opened. This was the part that did scare me a little. When the door opened it looked a lot like some sort of animal opening its mouth and preparing to swallow you. I guess I just couldn’t get over the fact it looked like my house was eating me. What the door did when I put my hand to it was read my fingerprints. A special lock so no one without our permission could enter our house.
I walked in through the door, suppressing a shudder at the thought I was being consumed.
“Hehe, you’ve been getting it on with Quten again!” called one of the most annoying voices I’d ever heard.
“Bowen you rat!” I cried, “Were you spying on us again”.
“No” said my little brother, “I can just tell by the spaced out looked on your face. And anyway, you might as well have just admitted you were by your reaction”.
“Horrible carrot beetle” I growled as I stepped towards him.
He was sort of hanging off the stairs leading to my room. I took another step toward him.
“What you gunna do?” he asked in a cocky voice.
“Hmmm” I mumbled, taking another step. Now I was only a foot away from him. I bent down to him with our faces only a nose apart.
“I think you’re just jealous”, I murmured. I snapped my head forward and gave him a lightning quick kiss on the cheek.
“Eeeeewww” he cried. But he was laughing. I knew he wouldn’t really care. We’d always been close. I was three years older than him, and to be honest I was the luckier child. I was the ‘gifted one’. Bowen was just as smart and just as gifted, but I got most of the luck. I got into the Genetic labs; a year ago Bowen tried out and they turned him down. Of course he could try out again but so far he hadn’t.
Also most people saw me as the achiever in the family, Bowen was just the younger brother. I know it bothered him. He tried not to let it show but I could read him. Maybe that’s why we were so close; we could read each other very easily.
I laughed at the fake look of disgust painted on his face. Then with a swish of my bluish blonde hair I turned around and dashed up the stairs.

I reached out and pocked the door to my room. It was designed like the front door. Alive. But I hadn’t locked my bedroom door so I only had to touch it to open it. The door made a sort of metallic, slurping sound as it closed. It’s a weird sound to explain. Whenever I try and remember the sound I find it hard to imagine a mechanical and a living sound combined as one.
I tossed my small pack onto the bed. The genetic labs egg symbol stared back at me from the bed covers. I thought, not for the first time how famous the labs must be to get their icon printed on bed sheets. You didn’t think about it so much when you were part of the school.
I walked over to the other side of the room to where my desk stood.
“Room system up” I commanded the desk.
A small panel opened up on the polished surface of the desk. Underneath was a simple speech pad.
“Please enter access code”, said the computer.
“Cheese” I commanded. ‘Cheese’ was probably the most unusual password in Albia, maybe on any other planet. But it was very affective and no one would guess it. It was just too unusual and meant nothing. I hardly even like cheese.
“Password accepted, welcome home Sheelia”.
“Lock door” I ordered. The door to my room suddenly went from looking soft and alive, too hard as stone and dead, almost as if it were frozen.
“Door locked”, said the computer.
“Close and lock windows” I said, moving over to grab my pack off the bed.
The windows snapped shut with a bang and then a strange goop descended from its sill. I believe it is called ‘xenophobic goo’. This goop looked a lot like the material the doors were made of. It quickly covered the entire window and the room went black.
“Windows locked”, said the computer.
“Damn it!” I muttered, “Lights adjust”.
Slowly the lights in the room went from pitch black, to a suitable reading light. “Lights adjusted to a reading light”.
“That’s better”, I mumbled, “Seat up”.
A part of the floor in front of my desk opened up and up shot more of the goop. It quickly formed the shape of a seat and then hardened. I dropped my pack onto the desk and sat down.
“Damn seat, it’s always uncomfortable”, I complained. “Seat adjust”.
The goo around me softened and sort of fused itself around me, making a comfortable seat just the right size for me before hardening again.
“Must remember to program it to come up like this all the time”, I said aloud to no one.
I opened my pack and retrieved my work pad on the science competition. I had locked all the windows and the door to make sure I wasn’t disturbed. I didn’t want anyone to know what I was doing, not even my family.
“Open pad to cheese maker” I commanded the pad.
Its screen lit up and started to load the sheet I wanted. “Access code please” asked the pad.
“Noodle soup” I said. Just another example of a password that would never be discovered.
The page finished loading and I looked long and hard at the complexity of the digits and letters covering the screen. ‘Cheese maker’ was just another code word; it wasn’t really a page on making cheese.
“I can get the blood flowing without to much trouble” I muttered to myself, “But without the brain running the body might as well be dead”.
I pondered over the problem for hours, but I just couldn’t find a formula to get both the blood flowing and the brain working at the same time.
After my second hour of studying the desk computer decided to pipe up.
“Incoming message from Kitchen. Do you wish to accept?”
“Accept message”, I said, sitting up from my hunched over position with a sigh.
A small circular hologram sprung up from the computer. I was still amazed at how clear these new holograms were. It was so clear it felt like you could reach in and grab whatever was looking back at you.
A picture of the back of my mum’s head came up. She was rushing around trying to get tea ready.
“Tea will be ready in five minutes”, the back of her head said.
“Okay Mum” I called into the speech pad, “Hologram close”.
“Speech message closed” groaned the computer.
I quickly packed my stuff away and left it on the desk. I had no fear of leaving my project on the desk because it would be a simply matter of closing and locking the door. No one could get in short of blowing up the door.
“Open door, windows” I commanded.
The goop came to life again around the windows and slid back into the windowsills. The door came to life and opened.
“Lights off” I ordered. The lights snapped off.
“Door locked to Sheelia”, I said. I had programmed the computer to recognize no one but me as ‘Sheelia’. That included strangers and my family.
“Seat down”. The seat slurped back into the floor. “Damn it”, I cursed, “I forgot to program it to open as a comfortable seat…again!”
I stepped out the door and listened for the now familiar metallic slurp. I heard the door close behind me and quickly rushed down stairs to eat.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Creatures 1: Selective Breeding

My Creatures 1 run with the selective breeding principle is continuing to prove successful. My Norns in general eat better, sleep better, breed better and seem to live happier lives in general.

Since they have a whole world to occupy between four of them (plus a Grendel) they often get separated which gives them time to recover, eat and sleep. Unfortunately this would be detramental to the species future, so I need to step in every now and then to bring them back together to breed.

Although my ultimate goal is a lack of interference, this process is serving the next generation well, with already 7 eggs laying in wait!

Most of the eggs I believe are from Lillai and Tabby, with the fathers being Heartly and Tony. As I've excluded Jeremy from the breeding population (he still had the incorrect aging gene) the male DDNA being passed on has become a little limited, but I don't see that being too much of a problem.

The latest egg edition is another of Tabby's. Both Heartly and Tony were present when she became pregnant, so I'm not sure who the father is yet. We will have to wait for the next generation to start hatching before I can be certain.

All in all the Norns are averaging 4 hours old and I'm more than half way to my minimum quota of eggs. Given enough time I think I will comfortably get to at least 12 eggs, giving me the ability to choose the best genetics for the next generation.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Shee Chronicals

A number of years ago (my goodness I was still in high school when I started, that is a while ago) I started writing a bunch of Creatures stories. In my mind I had a good 5 part story worked out. Creatures 1, Creatures 2, Creatures 3, Creatures 4 (which would have taken part of Sphericus) and The Shee Chronicals, which would be the prologue to the others.

Sadly I never made it more than halfway through Creatures 2. And honestly, Creatures 1 was pretty juvenile and I kind of hurried through it to get to Creatures 2.

I sincerely doubt these stories will ever be finished. I currently don't have the time and I doubt I'd be able to find the passion to finish them anyway.

However! The Shee Chronicals was looking to be a damn good story and potentially fairly lengthy. And best of all it can stand by itself without the other stories to back it up. I didn't get terribly far through it but I thought I'd start to share what I've done and see what kind of reception it gets. Maybe it will inspire me to take it up again. Coz you know, what I need is another project on the go :P

Anyway, here is the first chunk. I intend to release it in drips and drabs so don't worry, there's quite a bit more to come. Off the top of my head I know there's more than 25 pages worth, and I estimate when finished it would be over 100.

Oh and for the record, Quten is pronounced "Ku-ten". Believe it or not his name is a cars number plate.


The Shee Chronicals

The poor old Norn was dying. His closest friend sat at his side. I knew there was nothing I could do. He was dying simply of old age. It was a shame to be losing such an incredible creature. He had been with his species for such a long time and now when it looked like we needed him most he was to go.
I floated down to him. “Is there anything I can do to ease the suffering?” I asked the Norn.
“My old friend”, wheezed the ancient, “Tell me a story, you know what I want to hear”.
“Indeed I do” I replied, “I told you long ago, when someone with enough intelligence to understand the story was born, I would tell him or her. I never thought I would be able to tell you. But now is the time to tell my story.”
So, with the Norn about to die and with his closest friend listening, I told the story of over one thousand years, my story, the story of the legendary Hand…

“Where are you taking me Quten?” I asked the Shee.
“You’ll see when we get there” he replied.
“Why do you always have to be so mysterious?” I asked.
“How do you ever expect me to surprise you if I’m not” was his answer.
All of a sudden we came to a stop. “You can take off the blindfold now,” Quten said.
I pulled off the cloth that covered my eyes and gasped.
“Oh, Quten it’s beautiful” I sighed.
“I thought you’d like it,” he said.
Before us was a cliffs edge, beyond that was all of Albia, glimmering in the morning sunlight. We sat down on the grass together and Quten wrapped his arms around me.
“This is so romantic” I whispered in his ear.
“Yeah, I’m a real old time romantic” he murmured with a slight laugh.
I cuddled closer to him in the cool morning breeze. He kissed my forehead and held me close to him. I glanced down at his arms around my body and gave a groan.
“What’s the matter?” he asked in his gentle, mysterious voice.
“Look at the time” I grumbled, pulling away from him. “I’m so sorry, but I’ve got to go”.
“That’s okay,” he whispered.
“No, it isn’t” I muttered, “You organized this incredibly romantic morning for me and now I have to run off to the labs on you”.
“It’s fine Sheelia, really” he said quietly.
“You’re so sweet” I sighed. I grabbed my pack and kissed him on the lips before departing. “I’ll make it up to you I promise” I called over my shoulder.
The Shee sat down again at the edge of the cliff and continued to gaze out over the valley. He had been like that ever since we’d met all those years back. He seemed to have this dark, mysterious way in the world, a way I just simply loved. Back when we had first met, I had had a secret crush on him. But I doubted there could ever be anything between us because of our social differences. His family was a poor one, who lived in a small house on a lonely side of town. His family had just managed to get him into the school I had attended and even then most people thought him and his family just a pathetic waste of space. To be honest I didn’t think all that much of his family, but Quten was something completely different. He wasn’t the normal rich kind of Shee family I had been born into. Nor was he anything like his fairly hopeless parents. The fact he was a dreamer and a bit of a loner didn’t help people’s impressions of him. Or maybe it was the fact nobody seemed to want anything to do with him that had made him a dreamer. Either way I had fallen in love with him and he felt the same way towards me. It was one of the few things I didn’t care what people thought of me for. Quten never seemed to care what people thought. It was as if he knew more than what others could see. As if he could see into the future or something. It was for this very reason I knew when I got to the genetic labs I would get a lecture from the Master there (Professor Camery was his name) about how I shouldn’t be associating with the likes of Quten’s family.
As soon as I entered the genetic labs grounds I rushed to the bathrooms to change into the official garments the genetics labs students wear. I tossed off my casual robes and threw on the light blue robes with the white egg on the centre. I then sprinted back to the classroom several seconds after the siren had gone off to indicate the start of the day. I burst through the door just as Professor Camery had got the class to settle. As he saw me I could see his very few hairs rise, like the hackles of a wild animal do. I could tell he was angry.


The first page and a bit of The Shee Chronicals. Stay tuned for the next 24!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Creatures 1: Selective Breeding

As we discovered in the last post, my Creatures 1 run turned out to be a pretty big failure. Although a couple of Norns were born there was unlikely to be enough to carry on to the fourth generation. As such I've aborted the run and decided to take a more active roll in my Norns lives, and more specifically their breeding habits.

I have kept the two third generation Norns from the run and will likely add them to the second generation of Norns after looking through their genetics.

For now though, I've started again with my first generation Norns. I'm only importing 2-4 at a time and trying to coax the Norns I want to breed. Already this is paying dividends. Tabby has laid an egg with Heartly as the father. Lillai too, has litterally just laid an egg. The father is either Tony or Heartly, although I think this will be Heartly's second child.

Tony has been a little reluctant to mate and has prefered to spend his time at the island hanging out with the Grendel. Seeing as she has laid her first egg I have exported Tabby for a while and replaced her with Pollen, the Purple Mountain Norn of the group. Upon Tony and Pollen's first meeting they kisspopped and although she didn't fall pregnant this time I can see her being the mother of Tony's children.

Having just laid her first egg I've also exported Lillai for the time being and replaced her with Trista. Trista was the Norn who appeared to have a mutation that would prevent her from receiving reward for sleeping and I nearly left her out of the run. As she has got older though she seems to have circumvented this problem and sleeps fine. Hopefully she won't pass this mutation on to her children.

And what do you know, as I've been typing Tony has got BOTH Pollen and Trista pregnant. This new method of selective breeding is turning out to be most effective!

I thought this image was particularly cute. Both girls are chasing after Tony. I almost feel sorry for him, but I guess they both got what they were after!

Here is a shot shortly after. At either end you can see the eggs that have just been laid. The far left is Pollen's, while the far right is Trista's.

As the two eggs began to hatch, who should rock up but the Grendel. Travelling from afar, he has come to pay his respects to the mothers and their eggs.

And as a final shot, isn't it nice to see them all together as a family? They're all a litle hungry at this point, hence Tony's frown, but they're all doing pretty well. Certainly a lot heathlier and happier than what the run did to them.

It will likely take a few generations, but it seems this is a much more effective way of seeing the Norns through the generations. Hopefully after enough time I will be able to raise a group of Norns in the wild and they will be able to take care of themselves well enough to be left to their own devices. That is my hope anyhow.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New blog!

I mentioned a while ago I intended to create a new blog to house my 3D work. Well, I've finally found the time to do that. The blog is attached to my website and it's fairly bare-bones at the moment, but if you're interested in following my digital work you can keep up to date here:

This blog will be for keeping track of my personal projects, not unlike what I've been doing with the 'Time to leave the ship' piece I've been writing about here.

Rest assured I will still be doing my Creatures write ups and I'll still be doing those on this blog. I just wanted a seperate place for my digital work as it's my livelihood and needs a touch more professionalism than is required here.

I'm not sure yet where I'm going to post about my Creatures digital work, as obviously there's a lot of cross over there. I may end up doing a double post on both blogs, or maybe just do a small post here and link to the other to keep it all centralised. I'm really not sure yet.

Either way, digital stuff over here ->

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Creatures 3: Intelligence Test

So as I said in my last post I wanted to try running some experiments with Creatures 3, mostly because generations progress faster and despite not quite having the same attachments to the Norns, it's great for experimentation.

Well I started a world on my home computer and decided I'd start by making some Treehuggers do an intelligence test.

Generally an intelligence test involves hatching a group of Norns in an isolated area with no food. The creatures then have to progress through lifts, doorways etc to find a room with food in it. Many people, myself included use the Docking Station workshop as the starting point, forcing the Norns to have to travel through the main connection hub and into the meso before they can find a bite to eat.

All my Treehuggers died before they got out of the workshop. I went home over the weekend and booted up Docking Station on my mother's laptop and tried the experiment again, this time being limited to Chichi Norns. Not only did they all survive but they then proceeded to breed like rabbits.

Finding this difference interesting I decided to do a batch intelligence test of all the different species I had, and decided that comparing the normal genomes to the CFE breeds would be interesting. Here are my results:

Toxic CFE: 5/6
Toxic Non-CFE: 5/6


Chichi CFE:5/6
Chichi Non-CFE:6/6 (Very fast)


Treehugger CFE: 0/6
Treehugger Non-CFE:2/6


Civet: CFE: 5/6
Civet None-CFE: 5/6


Hardman CFE: 6/6 (very fast)
Hardman Non-CFE: 6/6 (Very fast)


Magma CFE: 5/6
Magma Non-CFE: 5/6


Bengal CFE: 6/6
Bengal Non-CFE: 6/6


Bondi CFE: 5/6
Bondi Non-CFE: 5/6


Bruin CFE: 6/6
Bruin Non-CFE: 4/6


Banshee Grendel CFE: 5/6
Banshee Grendel Non-CFE: 5/6


Ettin CFE: 6/6 (Very fast)


Astro/Fallow/Harlequin/Siamese/Zebra CFE: 5/5
Astro/Fallow/Harlequin/Siamese/Zebra Non-CFE: 5/5

I hatched each batch in groups of 6. 3 males and 3 females, with the exception of the Astro/Fallow/Harlequin/Siamese/Zebra, as I believe all these breeds are based on the Chichi genome with different sprites.

The numbers show the survivers vs the number of creatures each run. So "Bruin Non-CFE: 4/6" means 4 out of the 6 Norns survived and made it to the meso.

As you can see there is very little difference in the survival rate between CFE and non-CFE based creatures. The final results are 59/60, with non-CFE Norns being slightly more successful.

Obviously this is a rather small sample size and I'd prefer to do this test with several hundred Norns to compare the CFE vs non-CFE (and maybe I will), but initial results indicate that the CFE genome doesn't give a large survival advantage, at least in terms of finding food.

What I found interesting was with almost every group 5 of the creatures would hurry off to the meso very quickly, leaving one behind who did almost nothing. It just sat there looking sad before it died.

The other interesting and somewhat disheartening thing is the Treehuggers are terrible at this test. They clearly did significantly worse than any other breed or species in this test. Currently I'm unsure what makes them so poor at it.

So my first challenge will be getting some Treehuggers to pass this test. I will experiment with different numbers of Norns to see if it's their overcrowdedness that prevents them from completing the test. Then I will try crossbreeding them with a Chichi based genome and see if the offspring can't do better.

I've found this test today to be very interesting, mostly in regards to the CFE/non-CFE comparisons. I'd be interested to see some more tests done to see just how much an improvement this genome really is.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Creatures 1: The run

Well I most definitely did leave my wolfing run going over night, but due to life constraints I haven't been able to do a write up on it until now.

Regrettably the run didn't last the whole night. At some point my computer decided to do Windows updates and rebooted my computer. Fortunately it did last long enough for me to learn a few things and gather results.

Unfortunately the run went pretty much as I expected. I awoke the morning after, and after being upset at finding my computer had reset I opened Creatures to find the world nearly deserted. Judging by the age of the couple of remaining Norns the run had last 3-4 hours before the reboot had occured.

At this stage I need to say I'm not at my usual computer (spending the weekend with the parental-units) and I'm writing this on my Mum's laptop. This means I'm trying to recall all this information from memory, so forgive my fogginess.

Upon returning I believe there were 5 Norns still alive. Only 3 of these Norns were newborns. Two Norns remained from the older generations. Grace was an ancient surviver and one of the males. If memory serves me correctly it was Jake who survived.

The three new Norns were all decendants of the latest generation of Norns. Billy, Beatrice, Tracey and Abe are all parents, although I can't recall which child has which parents.

I played with the children (2 males, 1 female) for a short time to see how well they faired. Unfortunately during this process one of the males passed on. He seemed to have no concept of moving about the world. Although he could walk he chose not to, and had no concept of eating. The other two seem slightly stronger and may still be useful. I will take a closer look at their genetics at some point and make a decision based upon that.

So sadly I'm going to have to call this run a failure. I've ended up with only two Norns which is unlikely to be enough to breed a large population from.

Now I will turn to my fallback plan. I will take a greater roll in the breeding process and try to match Norns up at the correct times to try and get a large number of eggs. To make this work I will only import 2-4 Norns at a time, allowing me to take good care of each Norn and enhance the chances of a happy pregnancy.

I will do this for a couple of generations, choosing breeding partners and the healthiest of the offspring to try and breed hardy Norns that can take good care of themselves as well as be succesful breeders.

This will take a great deal more effort and time on my part and progress will be slow. On the plus side it will mean more detailed blog posts for you guys, so it's not all bad.

On a side note I've started playing Creatures 3 again. Although I don't have the same fondness for the Norns in C3 they are vastly better breeders and populations change at a faster speed, which keeps things interesting from scientific view. I've always had a fondness for the Treehugger Norns, and I think I will attempt to create a population that are better breeders and don't have such fears of crowdedness. At this stage I'm not committing to such a task, but I will keep you posted shoud anything interesting develop.

Perhaps at some stage I can create a world specifically for people to send Norns to. We could create a community world and have people submit Norns to try and achieve some kind of goal. I've no idea what goals we would aim for, but it's an interesting concept. Why not take it a step further and make it competitive? Have people only submit two breeds and see which one outbreeds the other?

There are unlimited possibilities. Let me know your thoughts!