Creatures Community Chat

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Creatures 1: Jeremy & Grace

So we're down to the final two Norns. Jeremy the Pumuckle Norn and Grace the Wood Norn, a male and female respectively. And what interesting Norns to finsh with. Both have some very interesting manipulations to their genetics and boy there's a lot of them.


Jeremy has the potential to be a bit of a black sheep of the run. Although he has the gene that allows him to die of old age, I missed the fact he still had the gene that converts antioxidants into ageing. As such, he is still a child at 3 hours old.

I've decided to keep him in the run and if any of his children end up with this gene still in their DDNA (which is unlikely as he is the only Norn with this gene) I'll remove it manually. The other potential issue is he may never actually reach adulthood and thus never breed. Obviously this will keep his bad genetics out of the pool, but it would be disappointing as I really like the Pumuckle sprites.

Jeremy has been a bit of a disappointment. Although he started off being a good eater and sleeper, he has progressively got worse with age. Around the 3 hour mark was when he started going downhill. I'm not sure what caused this. It was around this time I left him to his own devices and started raising Grace, so it may have been a lack of attention, however it is an issue that doesn't seem to have affected my earlier Norns.

Jeremy is friendly enough with other Norns and I'm happy to see he seems to get a lot of joy out of playing with music.

Another thing I've started looking for is a drunken stagger. Some Norns have it, others don't seem to. I've no idea why this has been changed in some breeds, but personally I like seeing them wander about clumsily when they've had a few too many. It's something I'll try and breed into the population if I can. I'm happy to report Jeremy has the stumble.

Jeremy has quite a few mutations, but a big chunk of them follow the same logic, so I'll group those together.

321: Die of old age, chem = Ageing NEW
326: floating chem 2, chem = Glycogen NEW

321 is the Die of old age gene, which is present in all my Norns. I'm not certain what 326 does.

327: floating chem 2, chem = hunger NEW

I need to figure out what these floating chemicals are, as it's cropped up a couple of times now and I still don't know what it is.

71: 1*Pain-- + 1*Pain => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
71: 1*Pain-- + 1*Pain => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

72: 1*NFP-- + 2*NFP => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
72: 1*NFP-- + 1*NFP => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

73: 1*Hunger-- + 1*Hunger => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
73: 1*Hunger-- + 1*Hunger => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

74: 1*Coldness-- + 1*Coldness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
74: 1*Coldness-- + 1*Coldness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

75: 1*Hotness-- + 1*Hotness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
75: 1*Hotness-- + 1*Hotness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

76: 1*Tiredness-- + 1*Tiredness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
76: 1*Tiredness-- + 1*Tiredness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

78: 1*Sleepiness-- + 1*Sleepiness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
78: 1*Sleepiness-- + 1*Sleepiness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

79: 1*Loneliness-- + 1*Loneliness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
79: 1*Loneliness-- + 1*Loneliness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

80: 1*Crowdedness-- + 1*Crowdedness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
80: 1*Crowdedness-- + 1*Crowdedness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

82: 1*Fear-- + 1*Fear => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
82: 1*Fear-- + 1*Fear => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

84: 1*Boredom-- + 1*Boredom => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
84: 1*Boredom-- + 1*Boredom => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

85: 1*Anger-- + 1*Anger => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
85: 1*Anger-- + 1*Anger => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

86: 1*SexDrive-- + 1*SexDrive => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
86: 1*SexDrive-- + 1*SexDrive => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

As you can see there's a great deal of changes to Jeremy's reaction genetics, but they all follow the same logic. The top gene is Jeremy's, the bottom one is an ordinary Norn.

As you can see, the Norn receives extra reward when counterbalancing a decreasing drive. This makes sense in some cases, as it should stabalise the Norns drives. But in some cases you would seek to bring a drive down to zero, such as hunger. Receiving reward for basically increasing hunger doesn't make a lot of sense.

I'm not certain yet whether these changes are a good idea, or if whoever created this breed was a little confused as to how Increase/Decrease chemicals work.

91: 'Pointer pats me' , Sensed Even When Asleep => 64*NFP-- + 16*Pain-- + 16*Loneliness-- + 30*Reward
91: 'Pointer pats me' , Sensed Even When Asleep => 64*NFP-- + 16*Pain-- + 16*Loneliness-- + 16*Reward

A simple enough change. When tickling, the Norn receives additional reward, but only when tickled by the Hand.

163: Both, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 207*Reward
163: Male, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 207*Reward

164: Both, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 112*Reward
164: Male, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 112*Reward

322: Drive i/ps Boredom + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 129*Reward NEW

323: Drive i/ps Boredom + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 156*Reward NEW

324: Stim source i/ps Food + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 255*Reward NEW

325: Stim source i/ps Food + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 225*Reward NEW

These instinct changes are quite interesting. I'm not convinced all of them are good, but they seem to be on the right track.

163: has been changed so both sexes receive reward from pushing opposite sex Norns. In an ordinary Norn is appears only the males received this. A strange choice, and I think this edit is definitely a good one.

164: The same logic as 163, but works with pulling opposite sex Norns. I'm not actually certain if 'Pull Norn' does anything, so this might be completely useless. However pulling and pushing other creatures might have similar effects, so I'm not sure.

322: A new gene that injects reward for pushing objects when bored. A good idea I think, as it should encourage experimentation.

323: A new gene that injects reward for pulling objects when bored. I'm not so sure this change is a good idea, for the same reason as in 164. I'm not sure pulling most objects does anything.

324: A new gene that injects reward when pushing food. A gene that encourages good eating habits. Can't complain about that.

325: A new gene that injects reward when pulling food. I'm almost certain that pulling food does nothing, so I think this gene is a bit of a waste.



Like Jeremy, Grace has been a bit of a disappointment. She started life as a good eater and sleeper and has progressively got worse. She doesn't eat well and getting her to sleep has proven nearly impossible. She has only slept two or three times in her life.

So lets take a closer look at her genetics and see if we can find the problem.

320: Die of old age, chem = ageing
325: Circulatory, floating chem 2, chem = Glycogen

326: Circulatory, floating chem 2, chem = Hunger

Essentially the same receptors and emitters as Jeremy. Perhaps that floating chemicals do something interesting...

71: 1*Pain-- + 1*Pain => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
71: 1*Pain-- + 1*Pain => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

72: 1*NFP-- + 2*NFP => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
72: 1*NFP-- + 1*NFP => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

73: 1*Hunger-- + 1*Hunger => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
73: 1*Hunger-- + 1*Hunger => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

74: 1*Coldness-- + 1*Coldness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
74: 1*Coldness-- + 1*Coldness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

75: 1*Hotness-- + 1*Hotness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
75: 1*Hotness-- + 1*Hotness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

76: 1*Tiredness-- + 1*Tiredness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
76: 1*Tiredness-- + 1*Tiredness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

78: 1*Sleepiness-- + 1*Sleepiness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
78: 1*Sleepiness-- + 1*Sleepiness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

79: 1*Loneliness-- + 1*Loneliness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
79: 1*Loneliness-- + 1*Loneliness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

80: 1*Crowdedness-- + 1*Crowdedness => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
80: 1*Crowdedness-- + 1*Crowdedness => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

82: 1*Fear-- + 1*Fear => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
82: 1*Fear-- + 1*Fear => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

84: 1*Boredom-- + 1*Boredom => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
84: 1*Boredom-- + 1*Boredom => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

85: 1*Anger-- + 1*Anger => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
85: 1*Anger-- + 1*Anger => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

86: 1*SexDrive-- + 1*SexDrive => 2*Reward + 1*NONE
86: 1*SexDrive-- + 1*SexDrive => 1*Reward + 1*NONE

320: 4Antioxidants = 1Ageing REMOVED

Again, the same changes as Jeremy, although Grace does have the antioxidants to ageting reaction removed. Not really much to add here, as these changes appear identical to Jeremy and I have the same concerns about them.

91: 'Pointer pats me' , Sensed Even When Asleep => 64*NFP-- + 16*Pain-- + 16*Loneliness-- + 30*Reward
91: 'Pointer pats me' , Sensed Even When Asleep => 64*NFP-- + 16*Pain-- + 16*Loneliness-- + 16*Reward

The Norn receives addtional reward when patted by the Hand. What's interesting is this happens even when asleep. Hypothetically, you should be able to reward a Norn who is asleep. Could be useful for teaching Norns sleeping is a good thing.

163: Both, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 207*Reward
163: Male, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 207*Reward

164: Both, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 112*Reward
164: Male, Drive i/ps SexDrive + General Sensory i/ps IT is opposite sex + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 112*Reward

307: Attention seek o/ps food + Drive i/ps Hunger + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I push -> 255Reward
307: Stim Source i/ps food + Drive i/ps Hunger + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I push -> 255Reward

321: Dirve i/ps Boredom + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I push -> 129Reward NEW
322: Drive i/ps Boredom + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 156*Reward NEW

323: Attention seek o/ps Food + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Push => 255*Reward NEW
324: Attention seek o/ps Food + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) + (Lobe/Cell=0/0) and I Pull => 225*Reward NEW

163 and 164 are the same as Jeremy, so Grace will receive reward for attempting to breed rather than just the males of the species.

The other changes all seem very similar, however the "i/ps" and "o/ps" have me a little confused. They are different between Jeremy and Grace and I don't know exactly what they do.


In other news, dear Bob has finally passed away. He was about 12 hours old, so he certainly outlived most of the Grendels I've known. And to top it off he had some basic teaching and managed to live a pretty happy life too. He died right in front of me, just as I was finishing up with Jeremy and getting ready to export him.

Bob's presence will be missed, as he was a friendly Grendel. But at the same time I start the first run a new Grendel will be born and new life will flood into Albia for both Norn and Grendel. Best of luck to all of them.


So this marks the end of the first generation of Norns. I have the eight I want, and they've all been backed up for future study. Next time I start up Creatures I'll begin importing all eight Norns and introduce them to each other.

They've all been exported with low hunger and tiredness drives, so they should all be ready to play with each other. As I intend to bring them all in around the same time I expect there to be a few instant pregnancies. It will be interesting.

I imagine my next few posts will be quite short, however there will be a lot of them. I'll try and update things as they happen, rather than keeping a log and doing one big write up. This means there could be several updates in the one sitting.

Here's the Norns that will participate in the run:




Place your bets boys and girls. Which Norns are going to be successful and pass on their genes to the next generation? Perssonally, if nothing else I'd like to see Tabby and Heartly produce a few offspring together. I'd love to get Tabby's genes mixed in with the Pixie Norn sprites.

I'm considering giving out awards for successful Norns in each generation. "Best breeder", "Oldest Norn", that sort of thing. If you have any special awards you'd like to see given out, let me know.

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