Creatures Community Chat

Monday, June 14, 2010

SAM5: What have we learned?

Haven't mentioned this before, but SAM5 is the abbreviation of my worlds name. It stands for 'Shee Ark Mark 5', this being the 5th world I've made since I started playing again.

With the toxic Norns pretty well owning the world right now I'm thinking I may have learned all I can from SAM5. It is time now to start considering what changes can be made to have more success in SAM6.


The aim of this run was to see how well Norns could learn to migrate. Obviously there has been some success and failure in regard to this.

Bondi Tribe:
The Bondi's seemed reasonably adept at migrating. Sadly their lack of breeding is probably my own fault, as their starting zone was Terra Nornia and then later Terra. Both these rooms have issues with the way smells (CAs) move about and their ability to find their way around was hampered. Given better starting conditions I think they should do alright.

Toxic Tribe:
The Toxic Norns dominated this run and I think it has a lot to do with their migrating abilities. They started the run in the Meso. From there they were driven by a strange desire to be with Grendels when lonely and made their way up to the jungle. When pregnant they'd try and go back to the Meso. Because of this the tribe got spread between the Meso, all over the bridge, and to the jungle. A couple even made their way into the Norn garden. Because of their travelling instincts and the limitless supply of detritus along the way this tribe prospered.

Hardman Tribe:
As mentioned in the previous post the Hardman's didn't do quite so well, mostly due to an over abundance of anger coursing through them, which was only intensified by crowdedness. To try and alleviate this in the future I'll be using the training dummy mover agent and placing the training dummy in their area set on Grendel. I've done some tests already in a new world and it seems to be working okay, although at present I don't have many Norns so crowdedness may still be a factor.

The down side to this plan is that I can't make duplicates of the training dummy (doesn't fit in the replicator) so any Norns that leave the area will have to find alternative methods of dealing with their rage.

Treehugger Tribe:
The Treehuggers really suffered in SAM5 and I really do like this gentle breed. Their major issue was that of over crowding, which lead to them never wanting to breed (which seems rare enough anyway). I'm not entirely certain how I'm going to overcome this problem.

I will try teaching them from an early age to push teleporters or portals to escape crowded situations. I only wish there was some kind of desire to use lifts when crowded, as this could help the issue a great deal.

As the Hardman's will have the training dummy in their area I was considering removing all the normal toys from the Treehuggers starting zone and replacing them all with cuddly trees. This should make a safe haven for the Treehuggers where they wont be confused by toys that don't reduce their crowdedness, but make it harder for them to survive elsewhere, not unlike the Harman. It may be that a mutation will be required before they can survive better in the outside world.

I'm also considering putting some Apple Norns in with the Treehuggers, as they're supposedly a very similar breed, but also have a greater desire to reproduce.

The World:
The other reason I'm thinking of starting a new world is that SAM5 seems to be getting slow and buggy. As I've mentioned in a previous post my Norn Terrarium doesn't produce fruit or seeds anymore and I've got a few rooms (like Terra Nornia) that won't completely uninstall and are bogging down the system without a real purpose. A fresh start will be an improvement and I'll be trying to avoid rooms that have CA issues.

I've got my fingers crossed Liam and Moe can help sort out the CA issues I'm having in C2toDS, as I'd really love to use this 'room'. A single, massive room would be great to test migration instincts to the max.

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